Tropicana Tropics

Tropicana Tropics from Anuja Pothireddy on Vimeo.

Music: "Montanita," by Ratatat.

Created in Adobe After Effects, Illustrator, and Photoshop. Below are some of my early rough sketches when I was still trying to decide what to do with this project. Originally, I had planned on just doing a piece for just plain orange juice.
I started this project right when H1N1 hit, so I thought about showcasing orange juice for it's immunity building Vitamin C.
This is a really early composition I did when I was still messing around with a look for the orange juice piece. I decided to abandon the patterns because they didn't really seem to make sense in a juice ad.
Eventually I decided to do the Tropicana blended fruit juices because it gave me more fruits and colors to play with. Here were my storyboards.
Then I started animating, and decided I didn't really like how it looked. These are screen-caps from the piece before I scrapped it and started the animation I ended up with.
These are some of my early research images--I was using these pictures to get an idea of the kinds of colors and compositions I'd like to incorporate.