Below are my original storyboards. Here are screen-caps from the animation that I started. The music was different too--it was the intro to "I Wish I Had an Evil Twin," by The Magnetic Fields. The dots separating the syllables in "dictionary," were going to propel the ideas of the piece. I still think it's a cute idea, but overall, it just wasn't very pretty. I abandoned my dot-friends for the most part, but I incorporated them a little in the red dot that pops out of the letter "A" in the final piece. Breifly, I toyed with the idea of doing giant 3D letters in 3DsMax and animate my phrases over the surfaces of the letters. I couldn't ever decide on a composition or method to go about it that I really felt comfortable with, so I ditched this idea too. It would be fun to go back and do something similar to this some day. Once I got back to business in After Effects, I used this image for my color scheme, because it was really playful and cute. I got this image from the "We love Colour," page on Facebook. Ultimately, I ended up replacing the yellow with green because the yellow text in my piece was a little too hard to read.